Advances in the study and applications on the detection and prevention methods of the Nosema bombycis illness in China 我国家蚕微孢子虫病检测与防治新技术研究与应用进展
CDNA Library Construction and EST Analysis of Bombyx mori Silk Gland Heavily Infected by Nosema bombycis 重度感染家蚕微孢子虫的家蚕丝腺cDNA文库构建及EST测序分析
Primary Study on Nosema bombycis Infecting the Insect of Drosophila 家蚕微孢子虫转宿主果蝇的研究初探
Construction and Analysis of Bacterial Artificial Chromosome ( BAC) Library of Nosema bombycis 家蚕微孢子虫细菌人工染色体文库的构建
Study on Control Effect of~ ( 60) Co γ-ray Application against Nosema bombycis Disease in Silkworm ~(60)Coγ射线治疗家蚕微粒子病的效果研究
The disinfection effect of formaldehyde disinfectant ( formalin) and chloric disinfectant ( lime chloride) on Nosema bombycis of silkworm, Bombyx mori in the silkworm faeces, earth floor, silkworm larvae, pupa, moth body were studied. 研究了甲醛制剂(福尔马林液)和含氯制剂(漂白粉液)对蚕粪、地表层土、蚕体、蛹体、蛾体内微孢子虫(NosemaBombycis)孢子的消毒效果。
Indirect enzyme labelled antibody method and enzyme labelled antibody PAP method were used to detect Nosema bombycis with identical results; the spores of the test materials and the positive control were stained as dark brown, thus the spore could be confirmed as of Nosema bombycis. 用酶标抗体间接法和酶标抗体PAP法检测蚕微粒子孢子,二种方法检测结果一致,被检材料与阳性对照中的孢子被染成褐色,从而可以确定为蚕微粒子孢子。
Application of Enzyme Labelled Antibody Method for the Detection of Nosema bombycis 用酶标抗体法检测蚕微粒子孢子
Infection and Multiplication of Nosema bombycis From Silkworm of Guangdong, China in Antheraea eucalypti Cell Line 中国广东家蚕微粒子孢子在Antheraeaeucalypti细胞系的感染增殖
Studies on the monoclonal antibody based immunogold-silver staining method for detecting spores of Nosema bombycis 家蚕微孢子虫单抗金银染色法检测技术的研究
Construction of Nosema bombycis ( N.b) cDNA Library and Analysis of ESTs Sequence From Partial Clones 家蚕微孢子虫cDNA文库的构建及部分EST同源性分析
Optimization of the procedures of isolation and purification of Nosema bombycis in silkworm 家蚕微孢子虫N.bombycis分离纯化方法的优化
A beta-tubulin DNA fragment of the Zhenjiang strain of Nosema bombycis was obtained by primers btubf/ btubr. 设计1对正、反向引物btubf/btubr,对家蚕微孢子虫(镇江株)基因组DNA的β-微管蛋白(beta-tubulin)基因进行扩增,得到部分片段。
The method for extracting Nosema bombycis DNA from Bombyx mori eggs infected with Nosema bombycis was studied to approach the feasible application of detecting through PCR. 为促进用PCR法检测家蚕微粒子病的生产应用,对带毒蚕卵中的家蚕微孢子虫DNA提取方法进行了研究。
Studies on PCR amplification of DNA of pebrine spore Nosema bombycis from silkworm, bombyx mori 家蚕微孢子虫PCR检测的研究
The methods of extraction of total protein of Nosema bombycis ( N.b.) 本文对适用于双向电泳的微孢子虫总蛋白提取方法进行了探讨。
Study on the extraction of surface protein of Nosema bombycis 家蚕微孢子虫(NosemaBombycis)表面蛋白提取法研究
Effects of Different Infection Period and Dosage on the Ratio of Germination Transmission of Nosema bombycis 不同感染时期和感染量对家蚕微粒子病胚种传染率的影响
Comparative Study on the Infectivity and Spore Surface Protein of Nosema bombycis and Its Morphological Variant Strain 家蚕微粒子虫(NosemaBombycis)与其形态变异株的侵染性及孢子表面蛋白的比较研究
On comprehensive prevention of the Nosema bombycis illness 谈家蚕微粒子病的综合防治
Effects of FBS and Inactived Silkworm Hemolymph on the Development and Multiplication of the Nosema Bombycis in vitro 胎牛血清及热处理家蚕体液对家蚕微孢子虫体外增殖的影响
Studies on control of transovarian transmission of Nosema bombycis by hot and dry air treatment 干热空气处理防治家蚕微粒子病胚种传染的研究
The effect of the microsporidian parasite, Nosema bombycis naegeli on the survival rate and fecundity of masson-pine caterpillar 微孢子虫对马尾松毛虫生存率和繁殖力的影响
Determination of Horseradish Peroxidase Based on Enzymatic Reaction Using Chromotrope 2R as Substrate Study on the Staining of Spores of Nosema bombycis by Chromotrope 2R Method 用铬变素2R法对家蚕微孢子虫孢子染色的研究
Transmission electron microscope can observe the ultrastructure of Nosema bombycis, which can identify the species of microsporidia, according to the thickness of the spore wall, polar tube coils and angle. 透射电子显微镜可以观察到孢子虫的超微结构,可以根据孢子壁厚度、极管圈数与倾角等基本确定微孢子的种类。
With the completion of genome sequence project of Nosema bombycis, it was found that subtilisin-like protease ( SLP) also exist in this species. 随着家蚕微孢子虫基因组测序的完成,通过序列比对发现在家蚕微孢子虫中也存在类枯草杆菌蛋白酶。